MBA Interview Questions

Gauri Khatri

Gauri Khatri

Founder, Pegasus Global Consultants

Tell me about yourself.

Portray yourself as a person and a professional to reveal your unique identity as the candidate and an individual.


Why have you chosen to apply to a business school now?

Be realistic and present a solid outline of your career graph and how you expect an MBA will boost your growth prospects


Why does this MBA program appeal to you?

An articulate answer that showcases you thoroughly studied the school and program’s distinctive features and how these align with your specific interests.


There are so many qualified applicants. Why should we admit you?

Concentrate on your unique characteristics that set you apart from others. Include your personal anecdotes that shaped your growth and assist the admission committee in assessing you as a human being in addition to your profile and qualifications.


What are your short and long-term goals? How do you plan to use your MBA?

Clarify with conviction your short-term goal and how you intend to make it feasible. Making it the base mentions your long-term goals that mirrors your passion and with sincerity.


How will you contribute to our campus?

Describe the clubs, initiatives and leadership opportunities that you are keen to exploit. Highlight how you will use your unique mind-set and skills, if any to promote school spirit.


What is your biggest strength? Your biggest weakness?

Express your weakness in a manner that shows your credibility and commitment to improve not to upset your admission prospects. Close your answer by putting in a point that how you are working on it and will turn it around.


What kind of team member are you? Can you give an example?

Demonstrate several examples from your profile that present your capabilities as a remarkable team person.


Tell me about a time where you overcame a particularly difficult challenge at work. How did you add value?

Choose from the most challenging situations that you ever faced as a professional and mention it succinctly without going over the edge with details. Also how it became a milestone in your career.


What kind of leader are you? Can you give me an example of a time when provided extraordinary leadership?

Pitch in various leadership examples that focus on the action-orient approach you devised and implied to tackle the challenge and deliver the tangible gains. Reflect how you racked your brains to make the most out of it which in turn refined your leadership traits.


How would you colleagues describe you?

Inculcate your qualities both as a person and professional that will be a benchmark of what sort of student you will be.


How would your supervisor describe you?

You are expected to refer to the current supervisor who most probably has provided you the recommendation. So, be in sync with his remarks to lend authenticity to your response.


What are you most looking forward to in business school?

Showcase that you are prepared to deal with the challenges of business school and have seriously contemplated how you intend to use this opportunity.


What do you like most about your current work?

Enthusiastically talk about what you adore in your current role and why?


What has been your most challenging or rewarding academic experience so far?

It’s an open-end question and you can steer this conversation to your advantage by focussing on the academic encounters that you still cherish such as your research projects, professors, exchange program etc.


Why did you choose to attend your university?

Be specific. Concentrate on the focal points and university experience that moulded your personality.


If you are admitted to our program, what do you think your biggest challenge will be?

Illustrate that you are well-versed with the rigors of an MBA. Add to that how you intend to equip yourself to fulfil these.


Describe a time where you had to adapt to a different culture.

MBA class is usually a representation of diverse cultural ethics and values. Thus highlight your ability of working in multi-cultural environment and collaborating with people across different geographies.


Describe a professional failure and how you overcame it.

No need to be a perfectionist. Sincerely talk about your failure while focusing more on how you overcame it and what you learned from it, giving a positive take to your reply.


What are your hobbies?

Speak about your hobbies that bring forth your potential apart from work and how these depict your individual talent.


What would your friends say about you?

Talk about the personality characteristics that you value in others and follow yourself too.


What do you think about [national or international current event]?

Keep yourself abreast with current events so, in case its figures in the interview you can carry on the conversation smoothly. Don’t go overboard and be too political or religious.


If you could change one thing about your professional life, what would it be and why?

Consciously express yourself and limit your changes either a different industry or domain within your firm.


What do you want to be known for in life?

Use this opportunity to candidly talk about your aspirations and talents that will differentiate to others. Refrain from typical answers.


Do you have any questions for me?

You can put forth any apprehensions that you have about the program. Be prepared with at least 2-3 specific questions.


Your Turn

An MBA interview is the last fragment of the MBA admissions process. Almost 30-60% of MBA candidates make through it and receive an admit.

Though after the interview the chances are certain, but be prepared for any outcome.

Seeking advice for MBA admissions to follow a pragmatic approach towards admission process and up your conversion rate of admits………………

log into the Pegasus admission cell!

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